How to Hold a Golf Club: The Basics


Gripping the golf club is one of the most important steps in learning how to hit golf shots. There are many variations to the grip, but it is important to formulate which grip works best for you.

In this section, we will discuss the different types of grip and the importance of a strong, secure grip.

Understand the different types of grip

When it comes to gripping the golf club properly, there are three different types of grips that each present their own unique benefits and drawbacks. It is important to understand the differences between these grips and which grip is right for you.

  1. Interlocking Grip – The interlocking grip is when your left-hand (for right-handed golfers) index finger and pinky are interlocked with your right-hand’s pinky finger. This creates stability and makes it easier to hit consistent shots. For players with arthritis or weak hands, this grip can be helpful for dealing with those issues. The downside of this grip is that it does not allow for a lot of freedom in the hands when it comes to adjusting during a swing.
  2. Overlapping Grip – The overlapping grip has your left hand's pinky finger tucked on top of the right hand’s index finger creating more manual control during a swing as well as a greater range of motion in your hands and wrists during follow through. This can help create greater power in shots, but also creates less stability than other grips do.
  3. 10 Finger (Baseball) Grip – The 10 finger grip uses all 10 fingers, forcing each item on your golf club one above another all the way up its shaft until you reach the end of it or where they won't fit anymore without going over its width along with intersecting them (depending on your individual shape) near its center then squeezing at both ends. Utilizing this full hand approach allows maximum stability while still providing some freedom within some areas of gripping like around the thumb which lets us adjust accordingly if needed and keep our wrists active for maximum power energy transfer through impact during swings plus adding an even contact surface between all digits involved overall; preventing slippage before hitting shots too.

Learn how to hold the club with the correct grip

A good golf grip is essential for consistent golf shots, so it’s important to learn how to properly position your hands on the club. This is referred to as gripping the club. There are two types of grips: strong and weak. Your type of grip depends on your natural hand position and club face control. Both grips require a light grip pressure in order for your wrists and arms to work with the motion of the swing, rather than against it.

The strong grip is used to promote a draw, as well as avoid slicing the ball. It requires placing your left hand (for right-handed players) slightly lower on the club handle, with your hands slightly cupped together but not overlapping each other. The V-shape made by your thumb and index finger should be pointing towards the right shoulder when viewed down from above (for right-handed players).

The weak grip promotes a fade but again, it’s important that you don’t hold too tightly – this will impair movement through impact and rob you of length off the tee or fairway wood. For a weak grip place your left hand further up on the handle with only one knuckle visible at address (for right-handers). The V shape made by both thumbs should point at left shoulder when viewed down from above (again for rights).

By experimenting with different combinations of strong and weak grips, you can find just what feels most comfortable for you. Grip technique has come a long way in recent years – think Dustin Johnson’s incredibly effective shallow angle wrist release – so there’s never been such an opportunity to express every degree of personal feeling that exists within each golfer’s approach towards playing this sublime game!


Your stance is an important part of your golf swing. It is the foundation from which you will create a high level of consistency in your swing and your ball striking. In order to achieve a proper stance, there are certain fundamentals that need to be adhered to.

This section will look at the basics of how to properly set up your stance and how to properly hold a golf club:

  • How to properly set up your stance
  • How to properly hold a golf club

Understand the different types of stance

Golf is a club and ball sport in which the object is to hit the ball into holes on the golf course using as few strokes as possible. To do this effectively, it's important to understand how to position your body for optimal performance, which starts with understanding the different types of stance.

The three main stances are open, closed, and neutral. Each position is slightly altered depending on personal preference and playing style.

  • Open stance: The feet are positioned wider than shoulder-width apart and point slightly outward, typically aligning with the target line. This stance provides a more stable base of support, allowing easier weight distribution while swinging the club. It can also provide a more powerful release of energy during the swing by allowing greater loops in the backswing.
  • Closed stance: Feet are tight together while pointing toward or slightly away from the target line. It gives more balance when making contact with the golf ball and can improve accuracy by ensuring better control of club head through impact zone. This stance can also encourage you to use your hips instead of shoulders for power in your swing thus leading to a smoother transition through impact zone with an increased potential for consistency and distance control when playing shots from difficult lies or under pressure situations such as tournaments or match play rounds.
  • Neutral stance: Feet should be shoulder width apart while pointing approximately at a 45-degree angle away from target line; this is considered a good “starting point” for anyone who doesn’t already have an established stance preference. With time spent on practice range developing consciousness skills and building awareness of body positioning – either observed or related through feedback from video analysis – that individual can then modify their setup if needed depending on circumstances such as type of shot being played in that moment or feeling based approaches as described in Decision Making & Mindfulness section later on chapter.

Learn how to position your feet and body correctly

Before learning how to position your feet and body, it is important to understand your stance. Stance refers to how you stand when you get ready to hit the ball. Proper stance will influence your ability to keep good posture and balance during your golf swing.

When taking a stance, choose a comfortable, athletic position with a wide footing and pointed toes outward. Your feet should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with the left foot (for right-handed players) placed slightly forward of the right foot. Your heel should be raised slightly above the ground, allowing for comfortable weight shift throughout the swing. You should also flex your legs at roughly a 40-degree angle from being straight up and down in order for further power when swinging through the ball.

It is also important for arms and forearms to rest along your torso in an relaxed manner without tension or strain of any kind; use this as an opportunity to maintain consistent posture prior to impact so there’s minimal deviation after striking the ball with the club face. Keep your head centered over where you want to hit while standing in front of the ball and avoid tilting either way as this may cause miss-hits or an unpredictable shot path due to misdirection of angles in momentum or rotation on impact with different areas on club face’s hitting plane and not hitting ‘pure’ shots into intended target area on green each time round.


Proper golf club posture is an essential part of your golf swing. The proper posture will help you hit the ball straighter, with less effort.

In this section, we'll discuss the basics of how to properly hold a golf club, including:

  • Ideal golf club posture
  • The position of the feet, arms, and hands
  • How to keep your body balanced throughout the swing

Understand the different types of posture

When gripping the club, it is important to understand the different types of posture that exist within the game of golf. This includes addressing the ball, which is done when you stand behind the ball and have a good solid stance. It is essential to have your feet placed shoulder-width apart and your weight distributed evenly between them. Knees should be slightly bent in order for you to maintain your balance during the swing.

The spine also needs to be kept vertical as much as possible and parallel to the intended target line in order for there to be enough room for a full turn with minimal restrictions from back strain or discomfort.

The arms should hang naturally down at either side of your body with a loose but firm grip on the grip handle of the club and wrists uncocked. The top arm needs to complete a triangle between shoulder, elbow and club handle while both arms remain close together through impact in order to maintain control over shot distance and accuracy during play.

Learn how to keep your body correctly aligned

Learning how to keep your body correctly aligned is key to creating a strong, consistent golf swing. Proper body alignment helps you ensure that your lower body, torso and arms move as one unit throughout the swing. This will help you generate more speed and power, as well as hitting more accurate shots on the golf course.

To get into an ideal posture:

  • Stand with your shoulder blades slightly back and down, chest out of the way, feet spread relatively wide (but not too wide), knees slightly flexed and soft arms by your sides.
  • Keep most of your weight on your left foot for right handed golfers (vice versa for left handed players).
  • From here start to hinge the wrists so that a club shaft is perpendicular to the ground.
  • Bend at the waist slightly and towards the ball while keeping your head straight over the spine.

Maintaining proper alignment throughout each swing will help you have more consistent contact with every shot and develop a repeatable golf swing. A consistent yoga practice in combination with regular stretching will also help you increase mobility in addition to building strength necessary for developing better posture on the course. Take time before every practice session or round of golf to prepare by getting your muscles warm through dynamic stretching exercises such as arm circles or arm swings before stepping up to start swinging away!


The swing is one of the key elements of any golf game. Knowing how to properly hold and swing a golf club is key to improving your golf game. When it comes to the proper grip there is no one size fits all. Every person is different and what works for one person may not work for another.

In this section, we will discuss the basics of setting up your grip and executing a proper swing:

  • Setting up the proper grip
  • Executing a proper swing

Understand the different types of swing

Before learning how to hold a golf club correctly, it is important to understand the different types of swing that are used in the game. There are two main types of swing for golfers: backswing and downswing. The backswing consists of the moment that a golfer takes the club away from the ball until it reaches its highest point around hip level. The downswing then begins with the club being brought back towards its original position at impact with the ball.

The three most popular swings used by amateur and professional golfers include an inside-outside swing, outside-in swing and one-plane swing.

  • Inside-outside swing has an “overlap” where you keep your arms close together at launch, then continue in a circular motion taking them outwards as you make contact with the ball.
  • Outside-in swing involves bringing your arms all the way up toward your head before launching them outward towards the intended target. As it continues away from your body, this type of swing will also bring your right elbow across your chest.
  • One-plane swing keeps both arms straight attempting to address any inconsistencies in hip movement or lack thereof during club placement and approach towards impact with less effort expended than for alternative methods.

Learn how to make a smooth, consistent swing

A successful golf swing can greatly improve your score and help you hit the ball with more accuracy and consistency. A smooth, consistent swing is one of the most important skills a golfer must master in order to play the game effectively. Here’s how to achieve it:

  1. Start by gripping the club properly; keep your grip neutral and relaxed, not too tight or too loose. If you are left-handed, reverse the following instructions.
  2. Move your arms down in a natural arc from your shoulders to create a foundation for your upper body. Make sure to keep your elbows close together throughout this step as well as throughout the entire golf swing process.
  3. With you arms now positioned comfortably, move into your backswing by rotating the club away from you body while maintaining that natural arm arc formed in Step 2 – this is essential to maintaining balance during the swinging motion which will result in greater consistency and accuracy in your shot making skills! Keep turning until you feel tension in your arms, chest and shoulders – this is called “the top” of your swing (or where you begin your downswing).
  4. For a successful follow-through, cock or rotate (turn) your wrist away from yourself just before impact – this adds power to each swing! Beginners should practice at slow speeds until their wrists ‘snap’ naturally when swinging – then increase speed as necessary for more challenging shots! After contact with the ball has been made, finish off by continuing that wrist rotation so that all parts of the golf club make contact with ground at completion of follow-through motion! Keep practicing these steps using proper posture & grip until they become second nature; rest assured with practice they will soon be!

Follow Through

The follow through is a critical component of a successful golf swing! When following through, it is important to ensure that the clubhead continues in the direction of the target line and remains in the same position relative to your body. You should keep your arms extended and your wrists cocked until your hands pass your left leg. Keep in mind that the follow through dictates the quality of your shot, so it's important to practice it regularly and get it right.

Understand the different types of follow through

The follow through is the movement of the golf club and your body at the end of a swing, when you have pivoted your body fully and allowed the club to square up to your target. To understand how to follow through correctly, it is important to understand a few key points.

There are three types of follow through: full, three-quarter and half-swing. Depending on how far you plan to hit the ball and which club you are using, you may choose one type or vary between them during play.

A full swing follows through with the arms perpendicular to your shoulders and the club head above your front shoulder in a squared position with respect to your original setup position. The wrists should be fully cocked, with full shoulder turn completed before starting the downswing. Follow this move through until both hands reach waist height or higher on their path towards the ball for maximum distance potential.

A 3/4 swing follows through just one step short of a full swing, leaving some tension in your wrists for spin control on softer shots into greens or around hazards. The arms will be more extended than angled as slightly downward as compared with upright in a full swing follow though allowing for comfort while hitting these shots more accurately at smaller targets without swinging too hard into them risking missing longer distances goals.

Lastly, a half-swing keeps most all aspects of both a 3/4 and full swing intact but stops short at hip level keeping spin control firmly in place when hitting softer shots around various hazards instead of jeopardizing both accuracy and distance goals simultaneously by swinging too hard without taking spin into consideration properly if tried from distances normally covered by either of these two swings mentioned earlier here today as well.

Learn how to maintain balance and control during the follow through

A proper and effective follow through is an essential part of mastering the golf swing. Staying balanced and controlling the overall motion of your swing will ensure maximum power, accuracy, and consistency from your shots.

The goal of a good follow through is to extend outward towards the target after impact with the ball. During this process, it is important to keep your weight balanced between your feet throughout the motion. Another key element to maintaining control during a follow through is keeping your hands connected together in a single unit followed by turning of the wrists in a low-to-high fashion. This allows you to hit farther shots with more accuracy and precision.

Finally, be sure to avoid excessive body movement as this can produce poor results on what would have been good shots. Excessive movement can cause loss of power in addition to too much spin on the ball which can result in inaccurate shots that fail to reach their mark or land far shorter than intended distance. To aid with balance maintenance, keep your eyes focused down towards ball while rotating gently at waist level while keeping legs steady and upright throughout entire process.